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The EmotionAlly Podcast

Nov 30, 2020

In this episode, I discuss the realities of people-pleasing—where it stems from and how to curb it in healthy ways. I mention root issues that often result in people-pleasing, how to distinguish between real compassion/empathy & unhealthy patterns, and tips for undoing self-sabotaging habits while also nurturing...

Nov 15, 2020

In this episode, I’m talking about how to be patient with our own growth curve and push against the brutal thought patterns we often inflict upon ourselves. I discuss how to aim for the right stars, real ways to forgive ourselves, and how focusing on healthy process will lead to the meaningful, lasting outcomes we...

Nov 8, 2020

In this episode, I discuss how to find personal fulfillment, regardless of whether we succeed or fail in our own personal checklists. I identify three core means of measuring our ultimate life meaning, how to pair ambition with outcomes that we can’t control, and the value in our attempts to make lemonade out of...